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Helsinki Guggenheim Museum

Helsinki, Finland


In recent decades museum buildings have become the sites of significant and progressive architectural innovation.  This proposal fuses this formal tradition with ongoing research into the philosophical discourse of Object Oriented Ontology (OOO) developed by philosopher Graham Harman. This discourse, further brought into architecture by ongoing discussions between Harman and Mark Foster Gage, places emphasis on distinct entities rather than their interconnections and relationships.  The new 129,000 sq. ft. museum, sited on the urban waterfront in Helsinki, Finland, was designed to be exclusively constructed from “recycled digital materials,”- objects that were randomly downloaded from various online sources but have no intentional existing relationships with one another or larger symbolic agenda. Through the high-resolution recombining, or, “kitbashing” of components, the individual figures were intended to lose any associations of symbolic content in favor of the emergence of a new and highly complex form of architectural aesthetic that mysteriously hints at, but in no way reveals, the curious and varied importance of the artistic contents within.  

Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim rendering axial re redid
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim rendering_closeup REDONE
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim rendering closeup looking up DONE
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim rendering entry DONE
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim rendering closeup of pelican REDONE
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim drawing plan 10 DONE_1
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim drawing plan 01 DONE_1
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim drawing plan 11 DONE_1
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim drawing plan 09 DONE_1
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim drawing section 01_DONE
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim rendering Sect DONE_1000
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim diagram cartoon DONE_1000
Chapter 01a Helsinki Guggenheim rendering foggy
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