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Samsung Projection Cloud​

New York City, NYC


Samsung and Vice's THUMP launch needs to make a splash, and in New York, to do that, you gotta go big.  This proposal for the Thump launch consists of spending minimal funds on a round stage, and a limited framework of structure to tether and support the big expenditure-- balloons.  Not a few balloons, not even a whole lot of balloons, but an absolute shit-load of balloons.  We're talking NBC, ABC, CBS coverage quantities of balloons.  This massive balloon cloud hovers directly above the stage and is the backdrop for projected digital content.  Projections can transition from abstractly syncing with the DJ's sounds to showing all varieties of social media from Instagram and Facebook to Twitter and Vine.  In the daytime the cloud is an abstract attention-getter, blowing and shifting in the wind, waiting for the night when it comes alive with colors, imagery and sound in a new form of giant, pixelated urban media.

Chapter 08a Samsung Projection Cloud 1 perspective nighttime pink less
Chapter 08a Samsung Projection Cloud 1 looking up DONE 2_1000
Chapter 08a Samsung Projection Cloud 1 DONE_1000
samsung 009
samsung 011
Chapter 08a Samsung Projection Cloud 1 site plan DUMMY_1000
Chapter 08a Samsung Projection Cloud 1 size diagram DONE_1000
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